Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Helping Others

Just random thoughts...I read an article today that made me think about when is helping really helping. And the author of that article made a great statement:

We all need to take the time to reach out to others and help them walk with God.

Life is full of uncertainty but without God two things really are certain: We will make a mess of our lives, and we will help others do the same.

So many of us focus on helping others, with little regard as to what we help them with. Sometimes helping others means saying no or telling them that by helping them in the way they are requesting is not really helping them at all.

For instance, if a friend came to you and asked you to help them out by driving them to the bank and then home, that would be fine, indeed. But what if you find that they have just asked you to be the getaway driver for their bank heist? That would definitely qualify as not helping them, if you fulfill their request.

This comes down to tempering any help to a friend or stranger with the Grace of God. In the above situation, the grace of God would require you to help your friend by saying no...and possibly turning them in to the authorities. Or maybe the root problem needs to be addressed, like financial turmoil that has led them to feel that the only way out is to rob a bank.

Just thoughts today...I don't know who it will bless, but I felt led to post it. Help someone today...with grace.

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