Monday, September 17, 2007

Go ahead, make my day...

You know how you can just be minding your business and someone comes along and makes your day? That was how it was yesterday. It was really quite special. I sang on the praise team at church and it was a great service. The songs were rockin’ and everyone was worshipping together. I was oblivious to everything around me as I just lifted up my voice and enjoyed the time.

After I was finished leading in the second service, I made my way to my seat and set down next to my husband. The next thing in the service was special music. As that was going on, a woman about 6 rows in front of us, whom I had never met before, got up from her seat, came back to where I was sitting, whispered in my ear, “I just wanted to tell you that you looked beautiful up there today,” and went back to her seat. I thought, “How wonderful! She felt it was important enough to tell me right then and not wait until after the service…that just made my day.” I thanked her, but I didn’t know what else to say. I didn't deserve that...I had done nothing to earn her compliment...I had done nothing that would make me worthy of such a comment. But she said it and it was lovely.

Then, I went to rehearsal for a show I am helping with and three different people came up to me and complimented me on three different things and it just really made my day great.

Isn’t it wonderful that a kind word, something that costs nothing and takes only moments to give, can make such a difference in someone’s life? I have made it my mission today to tell at least four people something kind, one for each comment I got yesterday. There’s nothing like spreading the kindness around!

Say something nice to someone today…make their day and show them God’s grace through you.

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