Thursday, September 6, 2007

God Forbid...

I had a very moving experience at church last night, while taking the Lord's supper and this is the song that came to mind. Too often, we take our God for granted...and we fail to realize how awesome it is that He picked us...we didn't pick Him...HE CHOSE US. That is just simply too big for me to get my mind around. So, I share these lyrics with you from Point of Grace (words & music by Kyle Matthews & Tony Wood).

The more I know your power, Lord,
The more I'm mindful
How casually we speak and sing Your name.
How often we have come to You,
With no fear or wonder,
And called upon You only for what we stand to gain.

God forbid
That I find You so familiar,
That I think of You as less than who You are.
God forbid
That I should speak of You at all
Without a humble reverence in my heart
God forbid

Lord, I often talk about Your love and mercy;
How it seems to me Your goodness has no end.
It frightens me to think
That I could take You for granted;
Though You're closer than a brother,
You are more than just a friend.

God forbid
That I find You so familiar,
That I think of You as less than who You are.
God forbid
That I should speak of You at all
Without a humble reverence in my heart
God forbid

You are Father, God Almighty
Lord of Lords, You’re King of Kings
Beyond my understanding
No less than everything

God forbid
That I find You so familiar,
That I think of You as less than who You are.
God forbid
That I should speak of You at all
Without a humble reverence in my heart
God forbid

God forbid
God forbid

1 comment:

Diana said...

Simply stated- perfectly understood