Monday, August 25, 2008

Feeling blah...

You know those days...just not feeling up to scratch...well, that's today for me. Little bit of a sore throat, a headache, though that comes from caffeine withdrawal, and kind of fatigued.

I have a lot on my mind at the moment...the biggest thing being I can't seem to find any motivation for anything...I need to find additional income, and though I have a couple of options, none are exciting me...why do I feel so apathetic? I want to sing...that's what I want to do...that's what I have ALWAYS wanted to do...why can't I just make money at that? Huh? Guess that would be because I am not working for it. I can't believe that my music career is gone simply because of age or family...I just know that the timing is not right now. I'll know when the time comes, if it comes...but there are other things I need to be focused my family.

That's what I am doing...

God grant me patience in your timing...that is my plea today.

That's all I have to say today...just a blah kind of day...


Kirsten said...

let me just say that I have those days, too. Maybe we should start some sort of SAHM singing group or something! :) Hang in there, it's all worth it!

Janeen Jordan said...

Hey girl! I always remind David of this and it's to go after what you want - if singing is what you want to do, do it whenever an opportunity arises - put yourself out there, tell people this is what you do and what you want...send out demos, make one if you don't have one, get in touch with some studios, go to writer's nights - this is a great way to hook up with folks who stay in the mix. I'm not musical, but I do wish I had some musical talent -- but, I know that David finds himself with the same frustrations at times ...keep hanging in there and keep pursuing your dream!!!