I haven’t written in over a month and that has made me bottle a lot up too. So here are a few things that have happened this summer:

We’ve gone to the zoo several times…that was cool. No, actually, it was extremely not cool, temperature-wise, but we did have fun! Let me just say, the building that has the lizards and frogs and snakes and fish and stuff, has displays of bugs that are far too large to be allowed to continue to live. I’m not trying to question God here, but, well, EWWWW! I can only say that if I ever run into one of these bugs and I haven’t passed out or I can manage to overcome my compulsive instinct to put as much distance between myself and the creatures that Adam should have stepped on instead of naming them, I will finish that job (of stepping on, or filleting or napalming, whatever).
My mother-in-law came to visit for a few days and Michael and I got an evening out to go see our friend Beth in “Smoke on the Mountain.” Very cute show. We had fun. And the boys were delighted to spend some time with Cece. That doesn’t happen very often. We are thinking about going south for the Christmas holiday and spending time with her. There’s nothing like spending Christmas on a chaise lounge with suntan lotion and a Mai Tai!
And we made our annual trip to Michigan to go canoeing down the Platte River in the northern part of the Lower Peninsula. As always, we LOVE this trip. And it was even more special because our bestest friends, the Bakers, got to join us this year! We spent Thursday, Friday and Sunday at my parents house on Dodge Lake tubing and cruising around the lake in Dad’s new pontoon boat. Saturday we spent lazing down the Platte in tubes and on floats. There were 28 of us on the river this year…a great group. Then back to the campground for dinner and s’mores and story telling… And let me tell you…Michael and I got so hooked on “Electronic Catchphrase” that we almost didn’t let the Bakers leave because we where having so much fun with it! Now we have to find one and host a party…there’s nothing like yelling at your friends and trying to get them to guess some of the most obscure phrases or words using even more obscure clues and gestures!

So, I think now that I have wiled away a few minutes here recapping my summer, I will go do some laundry and see if I can catch that darn sock faery. I am missing quite a few socks and I know she has them somewhere…
that is a great picture of Jack!!!
I am still laughing. When all is quiet around here I don't write I worry and start counting scissors. :)
Thanks for sharing all that you did.
That picture on the glass... oh you GOTTA enter that in a contest! AWESOME!
Hope you are well... and loving where God has you right now.. not always easy... but worth it when they get all grown. Trust me.. my oldest is 19!
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