Jack had a bit of fun this weekend:

Jack likes DocMartens!

And Daddy's hat that Papa gave him...

We tried eating with our own spoon this weekend too...that was messy!

Then we got a hair cut (and Mommy realized we need to get some new PJs for me).

Lastly, off to bed with our ducky and milk!
Caleb had some fun reading to his little brother too:

Corduroy Goes to the Doctor
And then we played a little hide-n-seek:

And hammed it up for the camera:

I am so glad you posted some pictures! I love Jack in his daddy's hat. He has a look of "I am innocent!...no really I am"
Caleb is sucha nice big brother!
look at that hair cut! ha! Gavin has some expressions that remind me of Caleb... looks like he's taking after Matt's side! wish we could see you guys more! hugs!
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